Digital Signage
This digital signage was designed specifically for the flat screen televisions located throughout Durham College campus. The signage displays a variety of information including the current time, date, weather, menu items, advertisements, and other relevant information for the day. As many individuals pass through the college, this type of signage can be of great benefit to them. Digital signage of this type is popular across the globe and is therefore applicable to people of all backgrounds.
About the Project
The project showcases a range of skills and elements such as motion graphics videos, graphic design elements, coding, GSAP animations, SVG elements, and PHP/database work. The project's main objective was to illustrate the significance of the digital realm, which has already arrived and is here to stay. The project also demonstrates different types of advertising and ways to update information digitally, as well as ways to enhance the design of the information.
The purpose of this project was to combine various components into a cohesive digital sign for Durham College. The process was challenging but enjoyable as it required coordination and aesthetics to ensure that all elements work well together. Design and coding were necessary for the logo pane and weather section, which required straightforward html/css coding. GSAP animation capabilities were utilized for the motion graphic ads and promotional posters. The project was comprehensive and allowed for the utilization of various abilities, including JavaScript and database work. Although working with databases can be challenging, it was a supplementary skill that was developed during the project. All skills were improved, resulting in an expertly crafted final digital sign.